
an entity that produces hazardous wastes shall work out a plan for managing hazardous wastes in accordance with the relevant provisions issued by the state and keep a hazardous waste management journal, faithfully recording relevant information

Hazardous Waste 有害垃圾 hazardous 危险的,有害的意思 involving risk or danger, especially to sb's health or safety. ►NO.2 Recyclable Waste 可回收物 可回收物有纸类(Paper),塑料(Plastic),玻璃(Glass),织物(Textile),金属(Metal)等。 ►NO.3 Household Food...

we indeed waste land and water, we waste our biological resources, we emit carbons, we jeopardize the future of new generations. In most cases, how much food we waste is en...

更多内容请点击:企业环评豁免了,但项目有产生危废怎么办? 推荐文章